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As For Me . . .

by Deborah Ann Belka

As for me, I trust in the Lord,
to give or keep from me . . .
the answers to my every prayer
as He thinks ~ they should be.

Who's to quarrel with the One,
who understands my every need?
Is He not the One who commands
that it is I ~ who must heed?

I know not why He favors me,
with the privileges of His mercy
nor why His blessings fall like rain
on an undeserving ~ soul like me.

Through the frost of an icy soul,
He thawed my inner core . . .
to a tragic death He surrendered
to show me ~ He loved me more.

His blood warms the chilliness,
of this cold and stony heart
grace, grace, and grace alone
has finally done its part.

As for me, I trust in the Lord,
to give or keep from me . . .
all He has planned for my life
until such time with Him ~ I'll be.

Jeremiah 29:11

King James Version

"For I know the thoughts that I think
toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of
peace, and not of evil, to give you an
expected end."

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