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His Little Sparrow

by Deborah Ann Belka

Oh my little sparrow,
I have given you wings to fly
I have watched as you learned
to make your way across the sky.

There have been many storms,
that you have met along the way
I've seen you rise above some
some caused your wings to fray.

I've seen you soar like an eagle,
as you waited patiently for Me
I have seen you spiral downward
into the rough and stormy sea.

I've seen you climb new heights,
as you trusted Me in your flight
I have seen you start to plummet
when I wasn't kept in your sight.

I've seen you go through the gales,
when My name you called upon
I have seen you when on your own
you were too weak to continue on.

I've been with you the whole time,
I was the gust behind the wind
and sometimes your wings . . .
I've had to clip and trim.

Oh, my little sparrow,
I have given you wings to fly
through life's many whirlwinds
so on Me ~ you would rely!

Matthew 10:29

"Are not two sparrows sold for a
farthing? and one of them shall not
fall on the ground without your

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