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The Burden

by Deborah Ann Belka

Each of us has a burden,
that we don't want to carry
each of us have a past
that we would like to bury.

Each of us have traveled,
the road of no return . . .
each has a shocking story
that we would like to burn.

Each of us knows the shame,
that we carry around inside
each of us has something
that we just what to hide.

Each of us have been there,
done that too ~ and through
each of us wish we would not
do the things that we still do.

But, God has heard every tale,
from Adam's to mine and yours
and there's nothing done in secret
for He sees behind closed doors.

He understands our wicked nature,
and the bent we have towards sin
He knows that we need His help
if from temptation we want to win.

So, give your burdens over,
let Jesus carry them for you
confess your past mistakes
and give them all ~ to Him too.

Then pray to Him every day,
ask for His strength and power
even if you need to get on your knees
every minute of every hour!

Hebrews 4: 16
King James Version

"Let us therefore come boldly unto the
throne of grace, that we may obtain
mercy, and find grace to help in time
of need."

This poem was a finalist in the June 2012 poetry contest

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