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Thru The Window of My Soul

by Deborah Ann Belka

Thru the window of my soul,
God looks inside and sees
the wickedness of my heart
and it takes me to my knees.

I fall upon the ground,
and weep from my disgrace
and from His searching eyes
I try to hide my face.

Though ~ I have repented,
and confessed all my sin
I can't help but feel the pain
I've caused Him ~ deep within.

I lift myself back up,
my soul is still downcast
and He reminds me that . . .
He's forgiven me from my past.

Thru the window of my soul,
God sees my sins no more
for He has cast them all out
so my heart He can restore.

Isaiah 38:17

King James Version

"Behold, for peace I had great
bitterness:but thou hast in love to my
soul delivered it from the pit of
corruption: for thou hast cast all my
sins behind thy back."

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