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Sometimes . . .

by Deborah Ann Belka

Today, for some,
and yes . . . including me
the way of the Lord
is sometimes hard to see.

Although we endeavor,
to follow His perfect will
the road ahead of us,
is sometimes all up hill.

We try not to doubt,
or let our worries in
but for all our efforts
they sometimes seem to win.

And as we go about,
seeking the righteous way
we sometimes forget to ask
for patience when we pray.

But, if any of you,
are sometimes like me
then I know without a doubt
you'll concur and agree.

For we are His faithful ones,
and we know we must press on
until our fears and worries
are removed and finally gone.

And then we will acquire,
our promised eagle wings
for we know that is what
our hilltop – experience brings!

Isaiah 40:31

"But those who wait on the Lord shall
renew their strength; They shall mount
up with wings like eagles, They shall
run and not be weary, They shall walk
and not faint."

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