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If I Had Wings . . .

by Deborah Ann Belka

Oh, if I had wings . . .
I would fly off without delay
and from my troubles
I would get far, so far away.

I would sail over the storm,
and not get caught in the wind
Oh, if I had wings . . .
I would fly right up to be with Him.

Oh, if I had wings . . .
I would escape this trembling fear
and I'd find my peace
because to God ~ I would be near.

I would soar with the eagles,
and find my sweet resting place
Oh, if I had wings . . .
I'd fly on the arms of His grace.

Oh, if I had wings . . .
Lord, I'd fly right to Your throne
and lean on the knowledge
that with You ~ I'll never be alone.

Psalm 55:6
King James Version

"And I said, Oh that I had wings like a
dove! for then would I fly away, and be
at rest."

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