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I See His Wonder

by Deborah Ann Belka

I see God's beauty,
I see His light.
And it does not fade,
into the night.

It shines brighter,
than a thousand stars.
And rides across the sky,
from the Moon to Mars.

I see the distance,
from God to man.
And I know His love,
fills the spacious span.

For His love is forever,
it goes on and on.
And that is why,
I cling to His Son.

I see His wonder,
it is all around me.
It shines brighter,
than my eye can see.

I see His glory,
in its awesome wonder.
And before I know it,
He is the sound of thunder.

I see His mercy,
you must see it too.
It surrounds you and me,
in everything we do.

I see His goodness,
when I wake up each day.
And for my own reason,
I must follow His way.

I see His grace,
bestowed on my soul.
And it is free,
so I can be bold.

I see His love,
radiating down on me.
And that is why,
these blind eyes can see.

I see His greatness,
it is shinning on you.
And I know,
I am bathed in it too.

I see His wonder,
I see it everywhere.
And I pray that you,
will too be aware!

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