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To Wait On The Lord

by Deborah Ann Belka

To wait on the Lord, I patiently try,
as I count the numerous stars, up in the sky.
Patiently waiting, answers to come,
counting and counting, on fingers and thumb.

Patience, oh patience, where are you?
As I count the sheep, on my bed of blue.
I need to endure and wait for the Lord,
but with all of the counting, I do get bored.

Be patient my soul, this you should know,
His timings not yours, the Bible says so.
You need to have fortitude, lots of grit,
count if you must, but don't you ever quit.

If you wait on the Lord, He'll answer you,
and show you the way, in all that you do.
But for those who do things on their own,
get weary from counting their every groan!

Psalm 6:6

"I am weary with my groaning; all night I
make my bed swim; I drench my couch with
my tears."

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