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Don't Believe

by Deborah Ann Belka

Sinful men, God sees from high,
don't believe, don't know why.
Living off their prideful greed,
don't believe, don't see the need.

Foolish men, God knows you,
don't believe, don't want to.
Working out their own defense,
don't believe, don't see the sense.

Haughty men, God notices you all,
don't believe, don't have the gall.
Going about their wicked day,
don't believe, don't see the way.

Proud men, God calls your name,
don't believe, don't feel the same.
Moving in their careless fashion,
don't believe, don't see His passion.

Godless men, God wants you back,
don't believe, don't know their lack.
Wandering away from His eternal grace,
don't believe, no longer seek His face

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