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God's In Control

by Deborah Ann Belka

There comes a time for all of us,
to stop and consider why we fuss
about the things we can't control
and how on us ~ they take their toll.

Something's are just not in our grasp,
to understand or to hold and clasp
and as we question and wonder why
our shoulders sag ~ our spirits sigh.

We want nothing to do with suffering,
so we complain and start out muttering
life is so unfair ~ becomes our drawl
as we blame God for dropping the ball.

But, we know these aren't the true facts,
for God has promised to protect our backs
but, it seems that at times like these . . .
the Lord has to bring us to our knees.

So we'll see He has things under His control,
and He is still working to make us whole
He needs to complete the good work in us
and that is the why ~ we mustn't fuss!

Philippians 1:6
King James Version

"Being confident of this very thing,
that he which hath begun a good work in
you will perform it until the day of
Jesus Christ:"

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