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Slow Me Down Lord

by Deborah Ann Belka

Slow me down Lord,
help me to take the time.
Help me to see You're more important,
than this life of mine.

Slow me down Lord,
sometimes I move too fast.
Sometimes I am too busy seeing others,
to realize it was You I've passed.

Slow me down Lord,
help me to stay close to You.
Help me to know You are more worthy,
than anything I have to do.

Slow me down Lord,
sometimes there's too much to get done.
Sometimes it gets too hectic and I can't tell,
it's Your voice that I shun.

Slow me down Lord,
help me to put You first.
Help me to see when I put things before You,
my soul will always thirst.

Slow me down Lord,
sometimes I am always on the go.
Sometimes I can't stop what I am doing,
to get close to You and grow.

Slow me down Lord,
help me to see that You are all I need,
Help me to know the time spent with You,
is time I can't afford to concede.

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