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Give it All to Jesus

by Deborah Ann Belka

When I am feeling sick and tired,
from the dreariness of this life
I give it all to Jesus ~
and He takes with Him my strife.

When I am feeling overburdened,
and I cannot go another day alone
I give it all to Jesus ~
and He takes care of the unknown.

When I am feeling all the pains,
from the weariness inside my soul
I give it all to Jesus ~
and He keeps my eyes on the goal.

When I am feeling the heavy weight,
on my shoulders, back and neck
I give it all to Jesus ~
and He keeps me from being a wreck.

When I am feeling sick and tired,
I give to Jesus all my strife ~
and He reminds me
that there is with Him ~ eternal life!

Exodus 15:2
King James Version

"The Lord is my strength and song, and
he is become my salvation: he is my
God, and I will prepare him an
habitation; my father's God, and I will
exalt him."

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