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For A Little While

by Deborah Ann Belka

For a little while,
our sorrow will be
for an appointed time
Jesus we will not see.

But, oh our joy,
will once again come
when Jesus returns
with His mighty kingdom.

Until such time,
His Helper we can trust
to convict us of our sin
and keep us from worldly lust.

For when we are filled,
with His power and truth
we will see – what to God
is vulgar and uncouth.

In this life,
we will have our test
but the Helper will guide
and aide us to do our best.

For His Spirit,
now lives in our heart
and our sorrow can't keep
Jesus and His Father apart.

Though we may weep,
for a little while
Jesus brings good cheer
so in this world – we can smile!

John 16

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