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Count It All For Joy

by Deborah Ann Belka

Count it all for joy,
each trial you go through.
Give it not a second thought,
and watch what God will do.

Count it all for joy,
when tested for what you believe.
Patience will be your treasure,
and His peace you will receive.

Count it all for joy,
as He performs His work in you.
Let His perfection complete,
and make you someone new.

Count it all for joy,
lest you be tossed about.
Seek by faith in your need,
and in Him never have a doubt.

Count it all for joy,
for His wisdom is your gain.
Ask believing without fear,
and in your life He will reign.

Count it all for joy,
no matter your despair.
Let His love fill you up,
and your life He will repair.

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