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The Splendor of His Touch

by Deborah Ann Belka

Lord, touch me while I sleep,
bring peace to this weary soul.
Heal my mind and heart,
let Your love make me whole.

Touch me in this place of rest,
as I take a break with You.
Repair and mend the broken parts,
may Your mercy be the glue.

Touch me when I wake up,
and I see the morning dew.
Let me sip my coffee,
in the warming thoughts of you.

Touch me throughout my day,
let me feel Your guiding hand.
Lift me up when I fall,
give me the strength to withstand.

Touch me in such a way,
that with every passing hour.
I will know You are the one,
who gives my life its power.

Touch me as I wind down,
help me to go that extra mile.
Keep me filled with Your joy,
and remind me to always smile.

Touch me right here, right now,
give me a taste of Your grace.
As I am sitting at my dinner table,
may my thankfulness You embrace.

Touch me as I go to sleep
Your peace I will hold and clutch.
Oh, what splendor there will be,
when I wake up to Your touch.

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