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This Grace . . .

by Deborah Ann Belka

It is a thing of beauty,
a thing of hope and love
it is a thing of wonder
this grace ~ from God above.

It is a thing of strength,
when we are feeling faint
it is a thing of confidence
it is our spiritual restraint.

It is a thing we should seek,
something we must grow
it is a thing for us to share
with every one, we know.

It is a thing of praise,
a thing to worship and adore
it is a thing of total sacrifice
a gift that we cannot ignore.

This grace covers your past,
your future and your today
this grace ~ will make you shout
hallelujah and hooray!

2 Corinthians 9:8
King James Version

"And God is able to make all grace abound
toward you; that ye, always having all
sufficiency in all things, may abound to
every good work:"

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