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Hungry People

by Deborah Ann Belka

Hungry people,
are all around
these famine souls
seem to abound.

In an ungodly world,
that is full of lust
they don't know
it'll turn to dust.

Famished souls,
don't want the truth
their wanton desires
ease and soothe.

The deep ache,
that is inside
and so from God
they run and hide.

But God knows,
the real hunger
and He will not
always slumber.

He will shake,
every man's appetite
until each one sees
Jesus and His light.

Matthew 3:7
King James Version

"But when he saw many of the Pharisees
and adducees come to his baptism, he
said unto them, O generation of vipers,
who hath warned you to flee from the
wrath to come?"

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