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Fear Is Your Enemy

by Deborah Ann Belka

Fear leaves you in the dark,
like a room without light
it will rob you of your peace,
like a thief in the night.

Fear will strike you down,
like a thunderbolt
it will fill you with pain
like a lightning volt.

Fear takes your freedom,
like a jailer's key
it will incense and irate you
like an angry sea.

Fear steals from you, your joy,
like a runner at first base
it will cause you to go astray
like an astronaut lost in space.

Fear is your spirit's enemy,
it will make your faith weak
fear has no place in your life
when God's love is what you seek!

1 John 4:18
King James Version

" There is no fear in love;but perfect
love casteth out fear: because fear hath
torment. He that feareth is not made
perfect in love."

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