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Through the Eyes of Jesus

by Deborah Ann Belka

Oh, if I had the eyes of Jesus,
I could see past the temperate heart
I would be a witness to why
so many from God ~ are far apart.

I could see beyond each Sunday,
and those who fill up the pew
I would see the ones that follow Him
the rest of the week ~ were but few.

I could look deep into the soul,
of those who confess His love
and then I would recognize
those who seek things of above.

I would be able to look past,
the sin, the lust, the greed
I could see that His salvation
is all that anyone will ever need.

Oh, if I had the eyes of Jesus,
I know that I too would weep
for all those who are unsaved
and for His very own lost sheep.

Matthew 9:36
King James Version

"But when he saw the multitudes, he was
moved with compassion on them, because
they fainted, and were scattered
abroad, as sheep having no shepherd."

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