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Take Away My Idols

by Deborah Ann Belka

Lord, take away my idols,
Carved deep within my soul.
The ones made out of greed,
That make me lose control.

The ones that fill my heart,
That take me away from You.
Idols in my daily life,
That keep me from what is true.

Idols of my dreams,
That haunt my waking hours.
Idols of my faith,
That take away Your power.

The ones others put before me,
The ones I chose to follow.
Idols of my mind and thoughts,
That leave me void and hollow.

Idols of this day and age,
That creep into my path.
Idols of my deepest thoughts,
So as to keep me from Your wrath.

Idols that I hide,
In the closets of my life.
Idols from my past that bring me,
Nothing but grief and strife.

The ones I use to adorn,
The outer part of me.
The ones that keep me from,
Getting down on bended knee.

Lord, take away my idols,
I leave them at Your door.
For You are the only One,
I need to worship and adore.

Ezekiel 14:3

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