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He Restoreth My Soul

by Deborah Ann Belka

When I begin to wander,
and go about my own way
the Lord takes notice
and knows that I will stray.

He knows that I will err,
and sees that I am unapt
to seek and find for myself
the road that will take me back.

He knows that I am sickly,
and that I will soon faint
so He stands ready to heal
this poor, weaken saint.

He knows that I am fragile,
and can't make it all alone
so He sends the Good Shepherd
to help and guide me back home.

He will not be still,
until I return to His flock
and I am calmly assured
He will listen for my knock.

For, He waits at the door
to restoreth my soul
so I can stand before Him,
in faith, complete and whole!

Psalm 23: 3

"He restoreth my soul."

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