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God's Love

by Deborah Ann Belka

God's love is like a dewdrop,
that glistens in the sun.
Glowing in the warmth,
from the light of His Son.

It's a breath of fresh air,
full of the fragrance of spring.
Filling up the senses,
with the beauty that it brings.

It's as sturdy as an oak,
and as solid as a rock.
Firmly holding onto those,
who gather as His flock.

It's a taste of pure heaven,
a piece of pleasure and delight.
To savor in the morning hours,
and to enjoy throughout the night.

It's as straight as an arrow,
that knows its intended mark.
Aiming for those who wander,
to have a change of heart.

It's as boundless as the ocean,
an endless mountain stream.
Flowing with living waters,
that has no ridge or seam.

God's love is as gentle as a Lamb,
so tender and so calm.
For it brings the soul comfort,
like the soothing of a balm.

2 Corinthians 13:11

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