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God Loves You . .

by Deborah Ann Belka

God loves you,
it is true.
Just take a look and see,
what He did for you.

God loves you,
gave to you His only Son.
Just take a glimpse and see,
all that He has done.

God loves you,
if you'd just believe.
Jesus died for your sins,
if Him you'd just receive.

God loves you,
Jesus paid the entire debt.
If only in your heart,
you will let Him get.

God loves you,
His Son He sent to save.
So you can have a new life,
beyond earth's deathly grave.

God loves you,
eternal life is to be found.
If you will give Jesus,
your life to turn around.

God loves you,
it is true.
You ask me how I know,
because, my heart He drew!

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