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Love Is . . . .

by Deborah Ann Belka

Love that is patient and kind,
that reaches down and touches mankind.

Love that is chaste and pure in thought,
that humbles itself before it is sought.

Love that holds its temper still,
that shows a calmness, that fulfills.

Love that hopes and is filled with desire,
that holds itself true, that doesn't expire.

Love that trusts, believes, and is sure,
that is forever, that which will endure.

Love that never fails or ceases to be,
that can't be bought but which is free.

Love that is honest, sincere, and real,
that evil and darkness can't conceal.

Love that grows deep in your heart,
that which only the Lord can impart.

This is the kind of love we ought to show,
to each and every person we know!

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

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