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If I Were More Like My Master

by Deborah Ann Belka

If I would be more like my Master,
I would leave my footprints in the sand.
I would take away someone's burden,
and lend another one a helping hand.

If I would be more like my Master,
I would be gracious and merciful too.
I would comfort an ailing brother,
and show a lost sister what she must do.

If I would be more like my Master,
I would walk upon the turbulent water.
I would safely reach my destination,
and encourage others how not to falter.

If I would be more like my Master,
I would be free from the battle of sin.
I would show other's true compassion,
and help them with their own fight to win.

If I would be more like my Master,
I would see the hungry people to feed.
I would take and offer whatever I had,
and give them more than they could need.

If I would be more like my Master,
I would spread the Good News all around.
I would speak of God's love and forgiveness,
and that a new life is theirs to be found.

If I would be more like my Master,
I would have a spirit of complete servanthood.
I would humbly assist and aid all who are needy,
just as the Lord, my Master would.

1 John 2:6

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