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Take A Look Around You

by Deborah Ann Belka

Lord, when I look all around,
I see all the things You have made.
I see the beauty in the sunrise,
and the splendor when it fades.

I see the majestic mountain peaks,
and the hills brilliant golden tops.
I see the stars sparkle ever brightly,
in a sky that never seems to stop.

Lord, when I look all around,
I see all the things You have done.
I see all what You've blessed me with,
and I am grateful for every one.

I see a warm and cozy home,
filled with all the love I could need.
I see the bounty on my full plate,
and a Bible I can always read.

Lord, when I look all around,
I see all the things You have given.
I see the Cross on Mount Calvary,
and the Savior who has forgiven.

I see a world who doesn't believe,
in the glory of Your grace.
I see millions of lost and lonely people,
who will never see Your face.

Lord, when I look all around,
I see the work that needs to be done.
I see how I am to be Your light,
and shine the truth on Your Son.

I see that time is moving quickly,
and Your Kingdom is very near.
I see the need for every believer,
to tell the world, Jesus is almost here!

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