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Spring Tease

by Deborah Ann Belka

I thought I saw the sun peeking,
through the dark clouds today.
And in between the snow flakes,
I prayed Spring was on its way.

For, I am tired of all the chilly days,
and the long cold frigid nights.
Oh, how I wish Spring would come,
and bring its warm and friendly sights.

Oh, to look out at my flower garden,
and see my beautiful climbing rose.
Just the very thought of its perfume,
tickles my frozen little nose.

This prayerful hope for Spring,
comes like a breath of fresh air.
Making me feel all warm and toasty,
as this winter has really been a bear.

I know that this taste of Spring,
is just a little tease.
And soon the Lord will bring to me,
a gentle warming breeze.

But, for now I'll just have to wait,
for nature's way and law.
And I'll trust that in the Creator's timing . . .
my feet will begin to thaw!

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