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God Mockers

by Deborah Ann Belka

Lonely people are everywhere,
all alone in their despair.
Abandoning God years ago,
and their faith they did forgo.

Lonesome souls now do roam,
far away from heaven's throne.
Seeking love in the wrong places,
to fill the void and empty spaces.

Rootless spirits in the world alone,
fruitless seeds they all have sown.
Don't really belong here or there,
and they don't seem to even care.

Divided minds always searching for,
that which took them from His door.
For they no longer seek or knock,
now that they have all left His flock.

The world has so much more to offer,
and now they are God's biggest mocker.
But, they may come back to Him one day,
and I pray I can help and show the way.

James 5:19-20

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