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The Answer to Depression

by Deborah Ann Belka

For years, I was depressed,
I had not a hope . . .
and I could picture myself
hanging from a rope.

The image was not pleasant,
it made my heart very sad
and I wondered what it was
that made me feel so bad.

Although the sun did shine,
when I rose each new day
all I saw was the darkness
constantly getting in my way.

The weight of my despair,
held me down in everything
and no one knew what to do
for I didn't find joy in anything.

The shadow of my gloom,
followed me wherever I'd go
and the dejection that I felt
off my brow seemed to glow.

Oh, what a horrid misery,
my life had been to me
until I truly understood
how Jesus could set me free.

Now I have found my happiness,
my despondency is of the past
and because of the love of Jesus
I know to eternity it will last.

Hopelessness once was my enemy,
it was a battle too dark to fight
and the only way I could win
was to trust in Jesus and His light.

When I gave my life to the Lord,
He took away the dark depression
and in my heart and on my soul
grace made its eternal impression!

Ephesians 4:7
King James Version

"But unto every one of us is given grace
according to the measure of the gift of

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