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This Walk Of Faith

by Deborah Ann Belka

I walk the walk of faith,
hand in hand with my Lord.
And in my heart His Word,
I have put away and stored.

I trust and I believe,
He is always here with me.
Though at times it is dark,
His light helps me to see.

When I falter in my belief,
and I'm not sure of the way.
I rely on Him to be with me,
and to hear me when I pray.

I know He's always next to me,
and I'm never all alone.
Even though there are times,
when I feel I'm on my own.

This walk of faith is simple,
but sometimes I make it hard.
For when I take away the trust,
my hopes get somewhat jarred.

I know I must be faithful,
to walk this walk with Him.
For where there is not a doubt,
His light won't fade or dim.

Proverbs 3: 5-6

This poem was a finalist in the March 2011 poetry contest

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