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It's Not Easy . . .

by Deborah Ann Belka

It's not easy being a Christian today,
in a world ~ that is upside down
it's even harder to walk the walk
where sin, greed, and lust abound.

It's not easy seeing the light of God,
in a world ~ that has become so dark
it's even harder to talk the talk
when their words are so raw and stark.

It's not easy being a child of God,
in a world ~ that refuses to believe
it's even harder to live like Jesus
when His love they decline to receive.

It's not easy living a life of faith,
in a world ~ that swears in Jesus' name
it's even harder to be His witness
when others have not an ounce of shame.

It's not easy being a Christian today,
in a world ~ that hates what you say
but, never give up the walk or the talk
for someones heart you may still sway!

John 15:18
King James Version

"If the world hate you,
ye know that it hated me before it hated you."

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