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There Is No Fear

by Deborah Ann Belka

There is no fear of God,
in the hearts of man today.
For their eyes cannot see,
past the filth and their decay.

There is no trust in God,
all of mankind has gone astray.
For their greed has taken them,
on a path that leads them away.

There is no belief in God,
so many have gods made of clay.
For their vain self-reliance,
has caused their souls to sway.

There is no faith in God,
each seeks to go his own way.
For their lusts of this world,
fills up their night and day.

There is no rest in God,
each one becoming Satan's prey.
For their sins they do not see,
and so for them I will pray!

This poem was a finalist in the April 2011 poetry contest

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