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A Deadly Weapon

by Deborah Ann Belka

The tongue is a deadly weapon,
we use it for our own gain.
Like an arrow, we shoot it off,
to inflict on others a taste of pain.

Gossip is just another way,
for us to hit our intended mark.
The lies we choose to project,
leaves not a soul in the dark.

With bitter words and acid talk,
the tongue will bend and sway.
But rest assured my prattling friend,
our words will return to us one day.

The busybody likes to spin their tales,
into stories that are somewhat true.
It only takes another gossipmonger,
to make the rumors stick like glue.

The idle tongue loosely jabbers,
while it travels on scandals quest.
Telling all those who will listen,
"I need to get something off my chest."

The bitter arrows fly at will,
and know the target that's in their sight.
For the lying lips behind the gossip,
don't care if they are wrong or right.

It is true the tongue holds great power,
it can bring about life or even death.
So tame it while you still can,
or learn to hold your bloody breath.

James 3:8

"But no man can tame the tongue.
It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison."

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