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My Every Footstep

by Deborah Ann Belka

Lord, You know of my wanderings,
and all the places I have been.
You know of all my goings out,
and the times I'd come back in.

You know my every footstep,
each print upon the ground I made.
You know the ones that flourished,
and foretold the ones that will fade.

You know of all my ramblings,
and the drifting that took me away.
You know to every place I roamed,
and the reasons why I would stray.

You know my every footfall,
and the demons I had to race.
You know of each wayward step,
yet from me, You never hid your face.

Instead, You collected up my tears,
and wrote my name in Your book.
For, You foresaw the day I would return,
and had the patience that it took!

Psalm 56:8

"You number my wanderings;
Put my tears into Your bottle;
Are they not in Your book?"

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