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Will You?

by Deborah Ann Belka

Will your sins be the fuel,
that feeds the fiery judgment?
Will the lusts in your life,
be your hellish payment?

Will the pride that you have,
leave you in the dark?
Will the vanities of your mind,
cause the flames of hell to spark?

Will the secrets in your closet,
throw you into the demons pit?
Will your evil thoughts torment,
till the devils match is lit?

Will the lying spirits of today,
lull you fast to sleep?
Will the wolves in sheep clothing,
cause you to gnash and weep?

Will you soon acknowledge,
the Bridegroom is at the door?
Will your lukewarm feelings,
allow Satan to prevail in the war?

Will you get down on your knees,
and confess to God your every sin?
Will you be an overcomer . . .
or is the devil going to win?

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