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Our Helper . . .

by Deborah Ann Belka

Our Helper is ever-present,
He promises not to leave
He is always there for us
if to Him ~ we will cleave.

He will give us strength,
when we are feeling weak
He will fill us with energy
if His power ~ we will seek.

Our Helper shall comfort us,
when we're overcome by grief
He'll soothe away our sorrows
if to Him ~ we go for relief.

He will heal our aches and pain,
when they're too much to bear
He will mend our every wound
if to Him ~ we give our every care.

He brings to all ~ His hope,
filling our souls with His peace
He puts into our hearts His joy
that to eternity ~ will not cease.

Our Helper is ever-present,
Jesus sent Him in His place
He is always there for us . . .
if and when ~ we seek His face.

Romans 15:13
King James Version

"Now the God of hope fill you with all
joy and peace in believing, that ye may
abound in hope, through the power of the
Holy Ghost."

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