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To Hear His Voice . . .

by Deborah Ann Belka

To hear His voice in clarity,
confusion to stop and cease
to rid our life of all anxiety
with the infusion of His peace.

To know His voice of wisdom,
all foolishness put to an end
to intently listen for instruction
on life's every path and bend.

To know His good counsel,
all bad advice to be banished
to oust the voice of darkness
until every sin has vanished.

To know His voice of rest,
all fear brought to its knees
to drive out the enemy
and watch him as he flees.

To know His voice of truth,
all deception put to bed
to cast out Satan's trickery
so we can be Spirit lead.

To hear His voice in clarity,
is our Shepherd's prayer
to rid our lives of anxiety . . .
is to find rest in His care!

John 10:16
King James Version

"And other sheep I have, which are not of
this fold: them also I must bring, and
they shall hear my voice; and there
shall be one fold, and one shepherd."

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