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With Fear and Trembling

by Deborah Ann Belka

Once ~ I use to fear God . . .
and trembled at His holy name
hearing about "Fire and Brimstone"
reminded me of hell's flame.

I would shiver and I'd shake,
when I heard about His wrath
and I knew that I had better
keep to the narrow path.

I would listen to my preacher,
talk about God's end-time plan
and how Satan was prepared
to pluck me out ~ from His hand.

But, as the years went by . . .
I no longer heard these words
and when the flame died out
I began to fall ~ backwards.

Going to church became fun,
for God's love is a wonderful thing
my pastor dwelled on my life-purpose
and all the blessings it would bring.

With all condemnation set aside,
I could focus on what drove me
so I went out into the world
to have me a real good look-see.

Oh, what I saw . . .
lit the fires of hell right back up
and once again, I was full of fear
for I saw what was in Satan's cup.

It is true we must love others,
but their sin we still must expose
what kind of love would we possess
if we left them to hell's throes?

So if you are a roving seeker,
you still need to fear God's wrath
and it would be wise for you to hurry
back onto the straight and narrow path.

Matthew 7:14
King James Version

"Because strait is the gate, and narrow
is the way, which leadeth unto life, and
few there be that find it."

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