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God's Waiting Room

by Deborah Ann Belka

In God's waiting room . . .
I sometimes have to stay
at first I don't understand
the reasons for His delay.

But ~ while I am in there,
it becomes obvious to me
and He shows me why
I have to wait and see.

He wants me to learn,
how to depend just on Him
and my pride and conceit
He has to pare and trim.

He uses this waiting time,
for me to focus on His face
so that I can experience
the full measure of His grace.

He wants my every thought,
to be centered on His peace
though He takes His time
His love for me doesn't cease.

He wants me to understand,
that waiting has its due season
and soon I will gather and reap
the answers to His reason.

In God's waiting room . . .
I've learned about delay
and now I understand
how to trust Him every day!

Psalm 27:14

King James Version

"Wait on the Lord: be of good courage,
and he shall strengthen thine heart:
wait, I say, on the Lord."

This poem was a finalist in the September 2012 poetry contest

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