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I Love September

by Deborah Ann Belka

I love September . . .
with all its golden leaves
I watch as they flutter
to the ground upon the breeze.

Once brilliantly green,
clinging happily to a tree
now they fall like snowflakes
forming a golden sea.

Fresh and crisp underfoot,
my feet love to walk
on top of September's path
where to me they begin to talk.

As summer drifts to sleep,
September changes its golden color
and the full beauty of Fall
unfolds its fiery hue and wonder.

Soon the rains will come,
damping my beautiful September
and the Autumn leaves will melt
into Winters chilly, slumber.

With Winter in the air,
the trees are now stripped bare
until the first of Spring
when new buds come in weather fair.

I love September . . .
with all its golden leaves
they remind me in each season
to God ~ I must cleave.

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