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What is This Unruly Thing?

by Deborah Ann Belka

What is this wild thing . . .
that my mouth has inside
what causes it to lash about
in its smugness and its pride?

How can it sing praises to God,
then chant ~ its curses to man?
What is this wild thing . . .
that says whatever it thinks it can?

What causes it to be so untamed,
without a bridle or rein?
What can I do to control this thing
that has its own heart and brain?

Why does it speak such evil,
and at times act out so bad?
What is this wild thing . . .
that gets so angry and mad?

Who can restrain this unruly thing,
that is filled with poison and fire
Who can tame this beastly thing
that is filled with worldly desire?

What is this wild thing . . .
that my mouth has inside
what causes it to lash about
this tongue ~ of envy and pride?

James 3:8
King James Version

"But the tongue can no man tame; it is
an unruly evil, full of deadly poison."

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