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May I Not Forget

by Deborah Ann Belka

Lord, may I not soon forget . . .
the favors ~ You've granted me
or how You made for me a path
across my very own Red Sea.

May my praises for You,
keep me humble all my days
may I remember to always follow
and to walk ~ in all Your ways.

Lord, may I not complain,
nor make haste of Your deeds
may I always remember
it's You ~ who supplies my needs.

May my heart stay pure and true,
so that my soul ~ You will win
may it hold not one single idol
nor have an appetite for any sin.

Lord, may my song rise each day,
and lay upon my lips every night
may I never forget Your counsel
nor the pillars of Your saving light.

May I seek after Your mercies,
through the Bread of Life
may I turn to You for forgiveness
when in my heart ~ there's only strife.

Lord, may I not soon forget . . .
the wondrous works of Your hand
nor how You made for me a path
that leads to Your promised land . . .

Psalm 106:13-14

King James Version

"They soon forgat his works; they waited
not for his counsel: But lusted
exceedingly in the wilderness, and
tempted God in the desert."

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