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Satan's Tackle Box

by Deborah Ann Belka

A peek into Satan's tackle box,
should give you chills and shutters
for the lures that he uses
come straight out of hell's gutters.

He casts out the lure of pride,
when God tells us, we should wait
he knows it goes against our grain
and our egos are his favorite bait.

He throws out the lure of lust,
with pornography or an x-rated movie
he knows that man can't look away
for trapping the mind is his dearest duty.

He loves to take out his rusty hook,
and bait it up with envy and greed
he knows that our worldly possessions
are things we aren't willing to concede.

He pulls out from his box of lures,
his most treacherous bait of all . . .
and sends his wolves in sheep clothing
in hopes, Christians will heed their call.

He wants to lure in all he can,
with the bait of tolerance for immortality
for he knows that we use God's love
to approve our complaisant spirituality.

Yes, a peek into Satan's tackle box,
should make every Christian run away
for the deception that he uses
has already caused many to go astray!

Matthew 7:15
King James Version

"Beware of false prophets, which come to
you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly
they are ravening wolves."

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