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Was Not Jesus Our Example?

by Deborah Ann Belka

What causes our feet to stumble,
so quickly in these last days?
Was not Jesus our example,
on how to keep ourselves humble?

Did He not draw a line in the sand,
an expose to all men their sin?
Was He not the one who promised,
salvation would come from His hand?

Did He not still preach the Word,
to all those He came across?
Did He not hold them accountable,
for the truth that they heard?

Did He just give up,
and ask God to save Him from death?
Did He not continue on to drink,
the grace held in His Father's cup?

Did He not prepare the way,
for the Holy Spirit's filling?
Did He not tell everyone to rejoice,
with Him on resurrection day?

Did he not face the cross,
with relentless pain and suffering?
So ~ why then do we think . . .
we should not undergo any loss?

What causes our feet to stumble,
so quickly in these last days?
Didn't Jesus set for us an example,
on how to stay true ~ yet humble?

Psalm 16:10-11
King James Version

" For thou wilt not leave my soul in
hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine
Holy One to see corruption.

Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in
thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy
right hand there are pleasures for

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