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Satan's Stumbling Blocks

by Deborah Ann Belka

Watch out my Christian friend . . .
for the stumbling blocks that Satan lays
he'll sneak them out in front of you
to keep you from God's righteous ways.

He'll point out all your weaknesses,
in hopes that you will cave
then he'll make you feel pathetic
so to his deceit you'll become a slave.

He'll tell you that you're no good,
and God wants nothing to do with you
then he'll throw your sins in your face
so his deception you won't see through.

He'll cause you to stray off the course,
with lustful love for the worldly things
then he'll let you think you deserve them
so you won't know the deceit he brings.

He'll make you question God's love,
whether for you He really cares
then he'll tempt you with fear and doubt
for they are two of his biggest snares.

Watch out my Christian friend . . .
don't let Satan cause you to stumble
learn about the blocks he lays and sets
so into his pit you won't tumble!

Mark 1:13
King James Version

"And he was there in the wilderness
forty days, tempted of Satan; and was
with the wild beasts; and the angels
ministered unto him."

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