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What Is Faith?

by Deborah Ann Belka

Faith is what we hope in,
it's what we cannot see
it's when we trust Jesus
to calm the storms at sea.

It's a touch of His hem,
it's knowing He will heal
it's confident and it's sure
God promises He'll fulfill.

It's firm and unquestioning,
it's strong and never weak
it's alive and it dwells
in the hearts that are meek.

It's believing that God can,
it's knowing that He will
it's trusting in His timing
that keeps the heart still.

It's willing to die to self,
it's believing in God's Word
it's willing to pay the price
for the truth that its heard.

Faith is what we hope in,
it's beyond what the eye sees
it's the trust we have in Jesus
and it brings us to our knees.

Romans 5:1
King James Version

"Therefore, being justified by faith, we
have peace with God through our Lord
Jesus Christ,"

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