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I am But Your Lamb

by Deborah Ann Belka

Lord, take me as I am,
for You are the Shepherd. . .
I am but Your lamb.

Lead me with Your rod,
feel free to poke and prod
guide me with Your staff
so I'll never see Your wrath.

Rustle up my inner strife,
bring about eternal life
show me Your green pasture
so my soul You can capture.

Direct me as You will,
with thy Shepherd's skill
instruct me how to stay,
teach me not to stray.

Steer me to Your flock,
where You will be my Rock
point me to thy herd
so I can learn Your Word.

Direct my every stride,
keep me at Your side
move me close to You
till it's only You I pursue.

Lord, take me as I am,
for You are the Shepherd. . .
I am but Your lamb.

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