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My Life's Journey

by Deborah Ann Belka

I have walked on this earth,
for many, many years . . .
I've stumbled and I've fallen
over my doubts and my fears.

Many times I have thought,
another step I could not take
and life's troubling journey
I just did not want to make.

I struggled with the frantic pace,
I wrestled with the anxious stride
until the day, I came to realize
I was marching to my own pride.

I knew I needed deliverance,
from the course that I was on
and that is when I felt my life
to God being forever drawn.

He set me on a new path,
and saved me from the pit
for that's where I was heading
until my sins, He did acquit.

I have lived on this earth,
for many, many years . . .
but now I'm walking in His light
living without any doubt or fears.

Psalm 56:13
King James Version (KJV)

"For thou hast delivered my soul from
death: wilt not thou deliver my feet
from falling, that I may walk before
God in the light of the living?

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