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Ashes to Beauty

by Deborah Ann Belka

One day all of our sorrows,
will turn from ashes into beauty
for Jesus will come again . . .
fulfilling His last anointed duty.

He will raise the truly penitent,
from their fallen, sinful state
the poor in spirit He'll elevate
all the way to heaven's gate.

The brokenhearted will see,
their painful wounds bound up
their worries will be silenced
by the grace held in His cup.

He'll set the remorseful free,
from the chains of their sin
as the yoke of guilt and shame
no longer, pierces from within.

All those who have made Jesus,
the Lord and Master of their life
will not be judged or condemned
nor be damned for their past strife.

He'll comfort all who've mourned,
for He has gathered up their tears
their ashes will turn into His beauty
and His glory ~ will calm their fears!

Isaiah 61:3
King James Version

"To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion,
to give unto them beauty for ashes,the
oil of joy for mourning, the garment of
praise for the spirit of heaviness;that
they might be called trees of
righteousness,the planting of the Lord,
that he might be glorified."

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