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The Land of In-Between

by Deborah Ann Belka

In the land of In-Between,
I sometimes have to wait
where my faith in the Lord
I ponder and contemplate.

Now, I would rather be an eagle,
whose on the mountain top
but in the land of In-Between
God often makes me stop.

I believe He brings me here,
for His purpose and His will
but when I'm in, In-Between
it's hard to wait and be still.

When God has me stopover,
in the land of In-Between
I know that it is because
on Him, He wants me to lean.

Now when I'm in the valley dark,
and everything is unclear
that is when I know that God
will draw me close and near.

But, being neither here or there,
sometimes makes me doubt
yet I know this is the place
where I need to figure my faith out.

He makes me take a breather,
for He really wants me to learn
what I need to do to change . . .
so that in hell ~ I won't burn.

In the land of In-Between,
there's a lot for me to contemplate
soon I'll have my eagles wings
until then, I must trust and wait!

Isaiah 40:31
King James Version

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall
renew their strength;they shall mount up
with wings as eagles; they shall run,
and not be weary;and they shall walk,
and not faint."

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